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KOMO TV interview - July 12, 2013 (WMV)
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'The Daily Buzz' - Emotional Mojo - July 26, 2013 (link to come)
'Good Day Chicago' TV interview (Fox 32 News) - October 21, 2013
Gary Goldberg interview on Spirit Radio - March 27 2014
Frankie Boyer (Boston) - June 7, 2013 (link to come)
Tron Simpson interview, KCMN Morning Show (Colorado Springs) - July 22, 2013 (link to come)
Roger Nichols, 'Talk of the George' at KVYT-FM and KLCK-AM (Oregon) - August 14, 2013 (link to come)
'Answers for the Family' - September 9, 2013
(Answers for the Family radio show - -
Twanda Black, 'Business in the Black' (Atlanta) - October 24, 2013 (link to come)
Miriam Knight, 'New Consciousness Review' (Portland) - December 11, 2013